11-Year-Old Unleashes Incredible Head Shot On a Turkey [Video]

by Brodie Swisher

In case you’re in need of a little inspiration for the weekend, we offer the following video to get you pumped for some turkey action the next couple days. The video below features my son, Aidan, killing his first longbeard, with an incredible head shot on a turkey with a crossbow. He’d killed other birds, but this was his first mature tom turkey. And while you can’t hear it on the video, he and I argued back and forth over whether or not he needed to shoot the bird in the body, or the head. He was pretty adamant about making a head shot. I was begging him to make a body shot. When he finally pulled the trigger, he shot the big gobbler in the eye ball!

head shot on a turkey
The flash before the storm.

It’s one of my favorite turkey hunts yet, no doubt. Few things compare to hunting with my kids. Making memories that will last a lifetime is what we as parents should commit our lives to each day. And this is one memory that will be among the best of the best when it comes to springtime turkey hunting.

Watch the hunt here:

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